Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Find Out Tips To Improve Your Vertical Leap

By Blake Helton

If you really want to know how to jump higher in basketball, then you should do everything possible to increase your vertical. In order to do everything possible you need to do more than just work out during your vertical jump training.

In order to increase your vertical immediately you need to learn how to jump higher in basketball first. You need to practice proper jumping form. Most people think that they already jump with the right form, but it is almost always not unless they have practiced their form jumping.

Add a little routine at the beginning or end of your workout where you practice proper jumping form. This will help you a lot because you can either tune your muscles to jump right before your exercise, or you can teach them to jump right when they are tired after your workout. Either way form practice is great for improving your vertical leap.

Before you can start your form jumping you need to focus. Focus on using every muscle in your body to help you learn how to jump higher in basketball. If you cannot start by focusing on jumping as high as you are capable of, then you will never jump as high as you are capable of.

The two vertical jump training jumping types, one leg and two legged, are the most effective forms of jumping that we know of.

Form jumping off of one leg should be as smooth as possible. You also want to jump as quickly as possible. Swing your arms to help you gain more momentum when shooting into the air. Form jumping off of one foot should be performed by running forward and jumping up quickly. Always stay as smooth as possible when you jump. Once you land run forward again and jump using the same technique. Keep doing this to help you improve your jump form.

Form jumping off of two legs requires more steps than one leg, but is still easy to learn. Before you jump you want to do a mini-hop and land on two feet. Bend your knees minimally and jump up. Swing your arms to help you gain momentum for the jump. Once you land run forward again and do the hop-jump. Keep this going so you can teach your body to jump to its full potential.

Jumping form is extremely important and should be focused on by anyone who is trying to improve your vertical jump.

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