Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tips on How to Get a Guy Back

By John Knight

It is the parcel of being in a relationship the usual ups and downs. Two people need to have faith in their relationship and value it so as not to add more problems. But what if your guy fall out love? What if your guy finds somebody new and dumped you? You go on searching for the right remedy in how to get a guy back. Here are some ways on how to get your guy back.

It is really tough to experience being dumped by your guy. But in order to get him back you need to check your emotions. Be in control. You should try hard not to cry in front of him or while calling him. Control your emotions and on what you say. Show him that you are strong despite everything that happened between the two of you.

Your guy might see how you look and wish that you are still in each others arms if you look prettier despite the break-up. Do not go around looking like a hot mess. Guys will reaffirm their decision of breaking up with you when they see you are a mess. Let him see that despite the separation you can still be mature and handle it pretty well. Hang out with your friends to have positive energy around you.

Stop communicating with him for some time. Stop yourself from sending him messages or even ringing his phone. Go on with your life. If you do not call him eventually he would call you. Try not to be too happy when he calls. Make it short and simple to keep up his curiosity.

Be mysterious and aloof when you see your guy. With this he will be guessing on what you are thinking and would be coming after you. This is a simple way of getting your guy back. If you want him back, let him initiate the plan of going back to you.

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