Saturday, October 10, 2009

How To Burn Fat With A Heart Rate Monitor

By Henry Calhoun

So if along with losing weight and getting in shape you also desire the toned appearance then you'll be surprised to discover that it is not as hard as you might have at first thought. If you want to burn the fat for your desired look you will be amazed at how a little device called a pedometer will help you. It does so by giving the information needed to get the desired results.

There are still some people who think that heart rate monitors are just gimmicks, but that belief only exists if there is a lack of knowledge in regards to what this device really does. Basically, a heart rate monitor does just what the name says and it provides you with readings of how fast your heart is beating, such as while exercising. Knowing this will help a person to maintain a healthy heart rate that will support fat loss.

When determining the heart rate that is best for you to burn fat, there are a few factors you need to know such as gender, weight, age and current physical activity and lifestyle. The things all play a role in the amount of fat you can burn during your exercise program.

For example, a person's resting heart rate may be 65 beats per minute. When such an individual starts a light exercise program, the heart may rise to 110 beats per minute. That is fine as the additional 45 beats per minute will allow the body to burn carbs and some stored fat due to the energy expenditure. However, 110 beats per minute is no where near enough of an intensity level to melt away stubborn fat. Instead, it becomes necessary to raise one's heart rate to 160 beats per minute.

The reason for this is that if a person's heart rate reaches 165 beats / minute then it will begin to break down the carbohydrates and stored body fat in order to produce the energy required to continue with the exercises and maintain the same rate. If 110 beats / minute is just a slow jog, then 165 beats / minute is like a fast jog or a sprint. That requires more work by the body and it will therefore need to metabolize the fuel necessary to keep up the pace, which is in this case a good thing. However, this kind of workout program can't be done without a heart rate monitor to help, because it is important to have information on what the heart rate is at any given time.

This works, because if the person doing the exercises needs to have a heart rate of 165 beats / minute in order to burn off fat and the monitor shows that a rate of only 145 beats / minute is being achieved, then this person knows that the exercise needs to be intensified. However regardless of whether or not the number of 165 is met, any exercise benefits a person. The difference being that the exercises are most effective when the right heart rate is maintained and that information can only be supplied to you by a heart rate monitor.

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