Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Best Way to Get Ripped Now

By Curtis Joel

Enough articles have been written telling you about creatine. Enough articles have been written telling you about periodization. Enough articles have been written about fat burning and thermogenic products. Why, then, after reading all of those articles, aren't you as big and lean and strong and ripped as you want to be? Simple.

You've gained knowledge about some of the components of the body transformation process -- not the entire picture. You just need to learn how to put all of the pieces together into a whole system.

It's time to take all of the bits and pieces of knowledge you have accumulated and link them together into "the plan that works!" In this series of articles, I'll help you design that plan.

In the first part of your body transformation program you're going to implement a strength training technique that I've dubbed "metabolic shift" training. This is the most effective method for releasing fatty acids from storage for burning and for getting lean.

I know you've been seeking out "the perfect routine" from friends, gym members, and magazines, and although you've tried many, none has really kicked in the way you hoped. That's really because "the perfect routine" for "everyone" doesn't exist.

The idea behind metabolic shift training is to get your muscles to leave their comfort zone. Then, when the body begins to adapt to that stimulus -- add a different challenge so that you don't overtrain and your progress continues.

Sure, there are general principles of body development that apply to everyone, however, you are an individual and once you can understand and apply these some general rules you'll be able to customize some aspects of your training regimen.

The way to literally design your body is to have control over the composition of it. The vital prerequisite to determining how much fat your body burns is a control of how much muscle covers your skeleton. If you want to chisel or sculpt a body, you first need to grow muscle.

The most common mistake that people make is attempting lose fat without having a concern for muscle. Did you know that muscle is the site where fat itself is burned? So doesn't it make sense that if you want to burn more fat that you'd want to improve that quality of your fat burning furnace?

You might have had your introduction to weights as I did. Three times a week, basic compound movements, resting every other day. It worked. Then you learned more. You met a guy who trains Legs on Fridays and Chest on Tuesdays.

Maybe you progressed with strength training development you learned terms like supersets, drop-sets, and burn-outs. Then maybe you started to classify your body into sub-segments. Instead of just doing legs, you started to devote an entire workout to "quads".

This is the progression for most people from beginner to intermediate phase bodybuilding. As you advanced, you may have noticed that your gains started to slow. Results start to diminish.

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