Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bowling Scores - Knowing How to Score a Game of Bowling

By Johnny Cartwright

Keeping score in a game of bowling may seem complicated, but it really just comes down to adding up the number of pins each player knocks down. Each frame, a player has two opportunities to knock down ten pins. A game consists of ten frames, and the player with the highest score at the end of the tenth frame, wins.

If you are bowling at an alley without a scoring computer, you'll probably be given a paper scoresheet. Before you start playing, record each players name in the appropriate area of the scoresheet.

Once a player has thrown their first ball, record the number of pins they knock down. The pin setting machine will clear the fallen pins, and replace the remaining pins in their starting location.

The player should then throw their second ball. The pins knocked down are counted, and added to those knocked down with the first throw. The two scores are added together, then to the score from the previous frame (if any), to calculate the running score for the game.

Most scoresheets have a small area in each frame to record the number of pins knocked down in each of the first and second attempts. The running total is then written in the larger area of the scoresheet.

As an example:

If a player (Joe) knocks down six pins on their first attempt, and then two pins on their second attempt, their score is eight for the first frame.

In his second frame, Joe knocks down seven pins on his first ball, and one on his second. His running score is now 16.

This simple scoring applies only when a player is unsuccessful in knocking down all ten pins in a frame. When they bowl a strike or a spare, they get bonus points, based on their performance on the next one or two balls.

Knocking down all ten pins on the first ball roll is known as a strike. Recording a strike requires marking an X for that frame; the players score will be the ten pins that they knocked down plus any other pins that are knocked down on the next two ball rolls. (You delay recording the score for that frame until the next one is completed).

It starts to get a little more complicated should the player bowl a second (or third) strike. Scoring is always delayed until the next two balls are scored. If a player bowls a strike, followed by a strike, followed by knocking down 5 pins, the score for the first strike frame is 10 (first strike) + 10 (first bonus ball) + 5 (second bonus ball) + plus the running total of the previous frame.

Knocking down all ten pins using both throws in a frame is called a spare.

Make a / in the small box to record a spare. As with strikes, scoring is delayed, but only until the next ball is thrown. Score the frame as ten plus the number of pins knocked down with the first ball of the next frame.

Scores continue to accumulate with each frame until ten frames are completed. Keep in mind that should a player throw a strike or spare in the tenth frame, they'll get bonus balls to finish up their score (you'll note there's an extra little box on the scoresheet to record the one or two extra throws).

At the completion of the tenth frame, the winner is the player with the highest score.

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