Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Closer Evaluation of Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt

By Brian Garvin

The first time we started looking for some sort of Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt, the goal was to figure out the best product for the job. Our church was holding a fundraiser tournament for one of the families, and all proceeds were going to help them in their struggles. It was a great way for everyone to come together, but there were several obstacles along the way.

It's always nice to hold an event such as this one because there are various charities willing to help out. Our situation consisted of needing as many poker tables as we could get our hands on. Eventually through several discussions and a little barter and trading, we were able to get ten poker tables. They were old and rugged, so it meant we had to do a little work on them. Everyone had a job from scraping, rebuilding, painting, by our was to do a little shopping. My job was to find some inexpensive Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt.

This may sound like an easy task, but in all actuality it was quite difficult. It would have been nice to just go out and buy something, but we're on a budget, so I could go crazy. Instead, I spent hours upon hours trying to find the best option for us. Needless to say I had to take a couple deep breaths here and there.

Thanks to tons of coffee and a few red bulls, I was able to search for 18 hours straight. The story itself would probably put you to sleep, so I'll make it short. After I stayed up until about 3am, I found a place that would give me enough felt for every single table. One of the reasons I picked this particular Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt was because of the color, but the authentic betting lines, durability and price all had their roles in it.

More importantly, we needed an additional benefit. Even though we had 10 tables donated to us, we had those old styled folding tables for extra play. However, we wanted to be able to put felt on these as well, even though most places didn't offer a setup for this type of assembly. Let's just say the tables were from the stone age, and we didn't expect to find a plausible answer.

Needless to say we have a carpenter that goes to our church that wanted to give it a try. The end result was a Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt with a 36" x 72" cut, leaving us with plenty to staple onto the folding tables. These went over so well at the fundraiser; I seriously don't think the event would have had the same effect if we didn't use them.

The event itself was an absolute treat, and a complete success. We raised enough money to get a new home, get them health insurance, and set them up with food for an entire year. It's one of the most gratifying moments in my life, and that of many others who contributed. In the end, we couldn't have done it without the help of the Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt for each table.

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